The Impact of Blue Light on Your Well-Being

In the modern world, where screens and artificial lighting have become integral to our daily lives, understanding the role of light in our well-being is more important than ever. One aspect of light that demands our attention is blue light and its effects on our circadian rhythm and overall health.

Light plays a pivotal role in regulating our circadian rhythm, the internal clock that governs our sleep-wake cycles. Here's how it works: exposure to light upon waking in the morning sends a signal to our bodies to produce serotonin, the "feel-good" hormone that helps us wake up and feel alert. However, as the day turns into night, darkness triggers our bodies to convert serotonin into melatonin, the sleep hormone that prepares us for a restful night's sleep.

Now, consider what happens when we expose ourselves to blue light at night, which can come from various sources, including our TVs, smartphones, and even the light bulbs in our homes. This blue light is high in energy and has a short wavelength, making it particularly effective at suppressing the secretion of melatonin. As a result, many people experience difficulties falling asleep and achieving restorative sleep. The consequences of poor sleep quality or insufficient sleep can be profound, affecting not only our energy levels but also our overall health and well-being.

Here are five effective ways to reduce your exposure to blue light and enhance your sleep quality:

1. Adjust Evening Lighting:

As the evening approaches, shift from bright overhead lighting to softer, warmer options. Consider using lamps, essential oil diffusers with red or orange light settings, or the warm glow of beeswax candles.

2. Choose the Right Light Bulbs:

Opt for halogen or incandescent light bulbs instead of LED or fluorescent options. Additionally, explore specialised blue light-blocking bulbs and lamps, such as those offered by BON CHARGE.

3. Unplug and Disconnect:

Turn off electronic devices a few hours before bedtime. Engage in calming activities like reading by candlelight to prepare your mind for sleep.

4. Screen Adjustments:

If you must use devices at night, take advantage of tools like f.lux (available for laptops) or Night Shift (available on most smartphones) to reduce blue light emissions. On iPhones, you can customise colour filters through your settings.

5. Blue Light Blocking Glasses:

These specialised glasses are a practical solution, especially if you have difficulty avoiding blue light. They can be especially beneficial when working on a computer for extended periods or during evening tasks.
You can also find these over at BON CHARGE.

By implementing these measures to minimise your exposure to blue light, you can positively impact your sleep quality and overall well-being. If you found this information helpful, consider making these adjustments in your daily routine to enjoy a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Your body and mind will thank you for it.


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