Holistic Hormonal Support for Postpartum Mums: 4 Overlooked Steps

Navigating the postpartum phase involves a multitude of adjustments, especially when it comes to hormonal balance. As mums, post-birth we experience something called the postpartum hormone drop. This generally happens around day 4 after giving birth and it is the single largest and most sudden hormonal shift in the shortest amount of time for any human being, at any point of their life cycle. Wow! Can we just appreciate that for a minute?

It doesn’t end here either, and our hormones aren’t magically back to normal after this drop. They will continue to fluctuate causing changes in our moods, energy levels and emotions for a long time after, around 12 months or more depending on if you are breastfeeding or not. Embracing this transformative journey requires a holistic approach, understanding your body's rhythms, and addressing its unique needs.

Here are four often overlooked yet crucial steps that busy mamas should consider to support their hormones move through this effectively.

Prioritise Nutrition:
Postpartum bodies require adequate nourishment, yet many mothers inadvertently neglect this aspect amongst their demanding schedules. Not to mention the “bounce back” culture, which puts pressure on new mamas to return to their pre-baby weight and body shape. This restricting of food, intentionally, or skipping of meals, unintentionally, can disrupt hormonal balance. Instead opt for meals rich in high-quality proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and abundant vegetables. And no, eating your childrens leftovers does not count as adequate nourishment. Embrace the nourishment your body craves as it plays a pivotal role in hormone regulation and overall well-being.

Food before Coffee:
While that morning cup of coffee can be a comforting ritual, consuming it on an empty stomach can disrupt cortisol levels, affecting hormonal balance. Pair your coffee intake with a combination of protein, fibre, and healthy fats to regulate cortisol and maintain a stable hormonal environment. Always have food before coffee. You can even make your coffee more nutrient dense with egg yolks, mushroom powders (my fave combo here), or collagen. If you’re not a coffee drinker like me, having a hot cacao every day can also be nutritionally beneficial. My favourite one is this one here.

Eliminate Endocrine-Disrupting Products:
Assess and minimise exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in everyday products like skincare, makeup, cleaning agents, non-stick cookware, plastics, and scented candles. These chemicals can strain your body's detoxification systems, contributing to hormonal imbalances. Opt for natural, chemical-free alternatives to alleviate this burden on your system. Read this guide to get started.

Honouring Your Bodies Signals:
Listening to your body is so important. Recognise and interpret its signals of imbalance, and then guide your adjustments in nutrition, supplementation, and self-care accordingly. Understanding and responding to your body's needs empowers you to support hormonal balance effectively. It might be something as simple as slowing down and taking a bath, to rescheduling plans when you’re feeling stressed or run down.

By acknowledging and integrating these often overlooked yet impactful steps, postpartum mamas can lay a strong foundation for supporting their hormonal health. Embracing these holistic approaches ensures a nurturing environment for both the mother and her growing family.


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